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[#novel exc] "How was I to protect her from all this? From myself."


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[#novel excerpt] ".. if the blighted soul speaks to what's been blighted.. "


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No matter the genre, the rift of human connection remains the hero's antagonist.

14 8

Everyone has a secret,
which doesn't always
meant to be dark.

6 14

Today do something good for another author writing. Pass it on. Write Well. Keep Writing

48 31

Ok Ch.5 it's just you & me! *pops knuckles* Let's go!Also shout out to Stjepan Šejić &his comic Sunstone

1 1

Dragon Airways is now available for pre-order on Kindle and in paperback.

82 42

Is there any tea on this spaceship? Douglas Adams

18 4

The that mean the most to you feel long before you formulate them
Robert Pinsky


44 58

12 Common Writing Errors Even Bestselling Authors Make from https://t.co/kuaOinEqVS

0 1

By the time you read this...someone, somewhere has created another universe.

17 7

“#Writing a novel is actually searching for victims.”
—John Irving


76 71

📯 Authors, do you have a promo coming up? Why not let me assist you? https://t.co/v6wZpD4FEp

4 2