Finally, this mini-series/long footnote will conclude on Kanada day, ie July 21st, with something I've been planning to do for a while: a complete chronology of Birth's genesis & production from 1980 to 1984. It should be one of my most in-depth looks into Kanada's work yet

11 61

Today the first monthly holder reward has airdropped.
There are 184 unique holders at time of mint, therefore it's an edition of 184.

The weekly holder reward continues as always.

"RtRd JOE"

13 24

Bored Ape just chugged an M1 serum and transmuted into Mutant Ape to

There are now only 616 mutants remaining!


1 11

明日の放送は、「子供と話したい 性のおはなし」がテーマです。

お子様と読んで欲しい絵本の紹介や、性教育トイレットペーパーのプレゼントも❗️ 子供が幸せに生きていく大切な内容です。

○FMサルース 84.1MHz

2 3

Hola, soy Scorpius84. Estoy a punto de empezar en el mundo del streaming! Ojalá que en algún momento puedan llegar y disfrutar un rato de mi stream! 😁

2 1

George Orwell was a novelist, essayist and critic best known for his novels Animal Farm and 1984. He was a man of strong opinions who addressed some of the major political movements of his times, including imperialism, fascism and communism. 👁️

item owned by

3 5

💫 A Dance For Value // 01 💃

🖼 Artwork by 👏
💰 Sold to nifties for 4.5 $ETH 🪙 ($8,884.08) ✨


2 9

84. 크래시피버 - 노덴스

제보 감사합니다!

0 0

💎 A Dance For Value // 01 💎

✨ Artwork by
💰 Sold to nifties for 4.5 ETH ($8,884.08)


3 32

Vegeta's "Massive Ego Boost"!

Secret of Self Indulgence: Ultra Ego as inspired by DBS chapter 84. I tried using the official colors of the colored manga.

8 33

Estos 2 paneles podría decirse que destruyen por las 2 crisis existenciales de la trama del manga 84.

0 2

5月24日 (火) の放送は、「子供と話したい 性のおはなし」がテーマです。


○FMサルース 84.1MHz

2 2

이건 소수 밖에 알지 못해서 잘은 모르지만 어린나이에 화산파에 의해 거둬들여진 아이들은 모두 체격이나 키가 잘 크는 걸 보면 화산파에서 정말 아이들 생각해서 잘 먹이는 것 같긴 함

매화검존 키 6자1치(184.83cm)
현 화산파 윤종 키 6자(181.8cm)
현 화산파 유이설 키 5자7치(172.71cm)

1280 1445

Froggy Friend bought for 0.19 ETH (384.60 USD) by 3Dcole from 0xf410

3 12

Mutant Apes: 3090 5967
Rarity: 1125 9813
2 minted for 4.0 $ETC ($84.72 USD)
Gas: 0.000423545 ETC ($0.00897 USD)
6007 of 10000 minted
Total Holders: 450 addresses

1 6

Froggy Friend bought for 0.09 ETH (184.68 USD) by phathand from PlayboiiNftz

4 10

1084. Max (Advance Wars)

1 2

Froggy Friend bought for 0.09 ETH (184.05 USD) by 0x2945a1 from Jokic

1 5