1095. Vandham (Xenoblade Chronicles X)

1 3

1088. Lazarus (Shining Tears)

4 15

1087. Toyotomi Hideyoshi (Sengoku Basara 2)

1 2

1086. Mako (Harvest Moon: the Tale of Two Towns)

2 2

1085. Veron (World Flipper)

2 2

1084. Max (Advance Wars)

1 2

1082. Gordon (Rune Factory 2)

2 1

1077. Balbaroy (Shining Force)

1 3

1072. The Guru (Sly 3: Honour Among Thieves)

1 1

972. Mel de Alkirk (Lunar The Silver Star)

1 2

970. Hawk (Dragalia Lost)

3 3

969. Duga (Shining Force EXA)

3 3

968. Larc (Legends of Mana)

2 2

965. Barta (Skies of Arcadia)

2 8

921. Gisecon (Dark Cloud 2/Dark Chronicle)

4 13

Here are the most popular entries between June - September 2020!

June: Odin (Cannon Busters)
July: Don Roger (Pokémon Duel)
August: Athos (Dogtanian and the Three Muskehounds)
September: Game Shop Manager (Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day)

1 3

265. Kumazo Maeda/Mr Huffington (Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters GX)

5 12