Whatchya looking at? It ain't gonna suck itself!

Orak's Orcish Oral Orctober Orc...alliteration brought to you by

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Celebrating with some paintings, first up is 's very good boy ✨

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Day 15: Ominous
Day fifteen of is complete!

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It's so long since a post something new here.
So here it comes, a finished piece of Tarv, my hexblade for the Storm King's Thunder Campaign and his captain, Fuller, spending some quality time together in

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(My)Day 2: Blue Oni. More calm and wise than his hotblooded red brother, but still unpolite and mean😅

5 33

Day 14: Night
Day fourteen of is complete!
Lyrics are based on a flatsound song called Vampire

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Late as ever, but I'm joining to Orctober. Why in the middle of the month? Like an old chinese proverb says in my country:Por qué? No hay porque.

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Day 14: Night

The festival of the Longest Night happens on the Winter Solstice. Gift-giving and writing letters of thanks abound. When the sun sets, all gather around a roaring bonfire where the village elders tell myths about the constellations.

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Days 12+13: Love+Magic
Days twelver and thirteen of is complete!
Protip, make sure you check to see if your inks are water soluble before you start paining

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An imposing chief of an orc clan. NPC from my DnD Campaign. Those who know him call him "Whitemask" from the prominent vitiligo on his face.

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Another week, another set of wip orcs for Orctober prompt!~
Do some not sense? Yeah.
Are they mostly the same orc? Indeed!
Am I still behind? Yup!
Am I happy with them so far? You bet!

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他にやることがあったので遅れました ごめんなさい

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Day 13: Magic

"I... can't use magic." Aghioz looks bashfully at Jalreg.

The ancient spirit chuckles. "Then just ask a shaman, channel a dead relative's powers!"

"What's a shaman?"

Jalreg sighs. "Here, let me lend you my fire magic..."

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