A6) so many, can’t fit into 1 tweet character limit. Hence put it into a

1 7

Figuring out my real ass style finally after all this time of basically doing nothing. It's all about the chunk. All about the motion. everything should feel comfortable in dynamic positions, and uncomfortable when not.

0 0

Had more technical pc issues to deal with over the last three days but I reinstalled everything and it seems to be working again. :)

0 7

En Su obra todos tenemos un papel diferente. Cuál es el tuyo?(1 Corintios 3:8)

0 2

Suite des sur les classes inversées, au pluriel. Plus qu'une simple translation, et bien plus que "les devoirs en cours, le cours à la maison".

62 82

Pueden haber muchas llaves, pero solo una Fuente. Búscala, solo dependes de ella (Deuteronomio 8:17-18)

0 5

Las cosas son importantes, pero es más importante Aquel que tiene poder sobre ellas. No busques la burra, busca a quien la monta (Lucas 11:9)

0 7

Almudena - I couldn’t resist. Here it is: a sketchnote of your paper about science sketchnotes. Loved your paper! But please use caution: infinite recursion in the subject matter within this could cause your head to explode. https://t.co/zO5ESWK3s3

9 34

👉🏼who got a chance to stop by these booths?!

Keep a 👁 out for my conference recap coming soon on

🤷🏼‍♀️What info R U sharing w/colleagues back @ ur schools about ?

6 9

🔥Spark• Ignite• Fuel 🙌🏼 with 🗺! There are 💶grants for Ts, too! Great meeting you JIM!

👉🏼Here are some about

2 24

I just love my and my
It opens up amazing possibilities.#sketchnotes

0 0

Looking forward 2connecting w/ at this week & on Friday!!!

Who’s here?
What sessions r u attending?
Who’s coming2 our session tomrrow? (

3 20

Hi guys, it’s me floating, while petting a stray cat 😂

1 4