What do you call a cow with a twitch?
Beef jerky!

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Why was Grandma banned from Thanksgiving Dinner?

She used fowl language.

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Every Father has his day. Show fatherly love on Reddit: https://t.co/TBiydw9LrN

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Oh god.....I'm so sorry......I know......and I'm sorry

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When you live in Vancouver, you don't make snowmen, you make Rain Men.

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What kind of music did the Pilgrims like?

Plymouth Rock

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This just in… Samantha begins her Freelance career.

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Tupperware, tupperware, tupperware. I'm Tupperhere!

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Where do poor villains shop costumes? Badwill

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What do you call a witch who lives at the beach?
A sand-witch.

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New Comic! Even Superman has a Dad Support it on Reddit: https://t.co/TBiydw9LrN

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Why do some people have small fingers?
Because they don’t eat enough finger foods.

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