Finished a new ref for Durandal, he is my precious horse son and I love him much!

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キャラクター名:Aika Chaton


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【主題歌情報】TVアニメ『#宇宙戦艦ティラミス 』主人公スバル・イチノセ(CV:石川界人)が熱唱する主題歌 Breakthrough/DURANDAL のCDがついに明日5月23日(水)に発売となります!皆さんデュランダ〜ル、デュラ〜ンダルを思う存分お楽しみ下さい!

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【主題歌情報】TVアニメ『#宇宙戦艦ティラミス 』主人公スバル・イチノセ(CV:石川界人)が熱唱する主題歌 Breakthrough/DURANDAL のCDがついに今週5月23日(水)発売!待ちに待ったデュランダ〜ル、デュラ〜ンダルの全貌が明らかに!?

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Happy Birthday ! A small thanks for all of the lovely Lyns and FE fanart you've blessed us all.
A Lyn based on the unused FE7 Beta animatiosn of her wielding Durandal

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anyway here's durandal

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And people say frontal is a con-man

Well Durandal was professionally crooky af.

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Brave Ike to be Made
Brave Roy armor to be remade
Burger King upper body to be remade
Durandal lol

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Decided I might as well post my wips:
Sigurd (needs face, hair, and sword)
Brave Roy (needs Durandal)
Accessories need trims/designs

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【#CCBFF14 用プロフィール】
おこめ(Oh Kome) / Durandal / CLIP STUDIO PAINT、Photoshop、Illustrator / 最近は気が向いたら程度ですが、ぼちぼちやってます。よろしくです(o・v・o)

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I fixed, and finished it! Little crossover with Dudu's ~ I hope i not failed your Durandal ÖwÖ)o

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Another part of Touken Ranbu Parody (Seiken Ranbu)
Sword Durandal as seiken danshi~!

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[COMM] durandal and kladenets for
let me whispah (yell) into your ear tHANK YOU FOR THE GENEROUS TIP!!

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