画質 高画質

Master art studies : 's beautiful art-style & color technique💙
Long story short: I underestimated it, it was actually quite hard to do it & was Mind-blowing to learn how she uses colors in her artwork, I also got to learn about colors I didn't learn anywhere else!

5 15

Ay chiii! 🥺
Sobre todo Leo. Físicamente es prácticamente igual, pero su personalidad era de un chico con seguridad, serio y un poco seco, que controlaba perfectamente sus emociones.
Ahora es un bebé que se pone nervioso y se emociona enseguida, y con poquita autoestima 🥺

0 11

Seeing edition all over the feed, and its floor lifted from 0.2 to over 1ETH during last few days. So I think I will tweet his 1/1 just because I can. From my personal estimation, Jack remains hugely undervalued. But it’s a long game for him. So we’ll see. 🏌️‍♂️

4 51

Todo diseño hermoso pero complicado por los detalles de su vestimenta... (Como me encanta su personalidad)

8 80

"I've been training for this moment for years, I'm ready to show what I can do. I'll be fierce in the ring and will not be underestimated. Bring on the competition, I am ready to fight!"

Engage for chance to be selected and get a Battle Pass.

378 443

Random Frage 🙃
Was mögt ihr an Zeichnungen/Artworks am liebsten?
(Zu viel Auswahl für eine Umfrage ^^')

1 Skizzen/Doodles
2 fertige Artworks
3 WIP's
4 Avatar/OC's
5 Fanart
6 Digital
7 Traditionell
8 alles
9 nichts
10 bestimmte Themen z.B Gore, Cute, Sad usw

1 9

All the talk is usually about the killers. But don’t underestimate the other two factions and there’s sud-factions, such as bikers. These characters have a built-in ability to make each other stronger and will be formidable in any altercation. Stay tuned for upcoming info!

6 11

Minted this homage to my Italian heritage by 🤌🤌

But additionally did it with which provided a simulated transaction to estimate what signing would do. This is a huge win for security🔐

2 23

❤️ Dazai & Chuuya Standee ❤️

Euer Lieblings Standee ist erneut ausverkauft! Ich behalte ihn aber für euch als Vorbestellung im Shop drin :3 Denke ab Ende Februar bestelle ich bestimmt wieder neue Standees.
Greift bis dahin also unbedingt zu

Gibt's hier


0 4

Don't underestimate bird brains. They are like smartphone processors. The smallest one is the most sophisticated! XD

0 2

More Fanart for Vampire Survivor! This one took more time than I estimated at first but I'm still happy I had enough patience to finish this.

1 5

man doing my style is much more refreshing; f00kin HELL i underestimated the mental turmoil proportions would give me 😭
I might reattempt the kotabe style later some day but i am currently fucking too weak to do that at this moment https://t.co/f3E623e5dG

1 5

MILEEER ESTA HERMOSO MUCHAS GRACIAS ;;~~ tambien te admiro y estimo~ tqm~~🫶💖✨✨💐🌻

8 190

la ropa de milk atravez del arco actual.

2 3

Geo didn't like my 1.1 mil estimated dmg on my (somewhat still out-of-date) Fire grid, so he must have fought extra hard since the true Fire Lords' would have even higher damages than this.

To protect... um, whoever the Wind GW Boss is.

0 0

Hay personas con mucha autoestima

5 16