Emotions add deeper context to games, but are tough to use without a framework. Learn body language principles from the animation & acting worlds, and how to apply them in your game. A workshop with . Limited to 12 participants. https://t.co/grvvVM1OAl

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All & all, a movie universe is often self-contained. Adaptations that do well expand that universe/adhere to certain zframeworks. Direct adaptations are not always popular. Imagine a comics series. One that adapts all the novels ignoring/embracing films.

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hot tip if you're trying to doodle your character but nothing is coming out right unhide every layer and you might just make a framework for a dumb cheesy character poster

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My team and I decided that we aren't going to completely drop PFE. The framework for the game is all there, we just need to put it to use. Thus, we will be working on another new game! WIP title is MonsterZ.

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矢印の線を軌跡にしてみました。Long long agoと掛けたLong long arrowというオヤジギャグを思いついて発作的に https://t.co/qt1cEKMqCX

3 22

Coming back to Fevral for another look with ..filling in the gaps with my own beliefs and frameworks. Jungian archetypical resonates throughout each piece. Stewart Francis Easton is without doubt, one of the UKs finest living artists

1 5

Está claro. SCRUM y PMBOK son frameworks. La Agilidad, una filosofía.

Estos son mis principios. Si no os gustan , tengo otros :D

La guerra de las Metodologías ¿Scrum es una metodología ¿Lo es la Agilidad? ¿Lo es el Pmbok? https://t.co/mzZ2Kmulkm vía

8 12

Only 40% of rivers & lakes are healthy. EU governments must put an urgent stop to this destruction & protect (as required under EU water laws)! https://t.co/mnCiqevrEs

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A4: At my school we have developed our own learner framework which we are currently playing with a continuum of growth for and the possibility of reporting on. Just like soft skills, I am struggling with how we quantify these things.

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You've probably seen these old things before, they're one of my more beloved things on DA. Here we have a "Mobianized" Iblis similar in design to crystalized Mephiles, and a new Mephiles design to go with her that isn't based on Shadow's framework and more like his own being.

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how many times can my art style possibly change in a single comic? uuuugggghhhhhh this is why it's bad to not finish a framework in a single sitting

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I play with the isometric framework made by and the isometry is patient with me. I can experiment a lot of things. It's really a good stuff.

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Clifford Attractor ガチャ回して個人的によかったやつです

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