Portrait of a for @/Cendelorn.
I know it has already been posted but I might as well post it myself because twitter is crazy dumb and will think I’m less important if I’m not actively posting new content😭
I’ll post a timelapse tomorrow!

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Aqueleya part 2 (and last of the folder), with both her mates Naevaya and Seneryn. And with her newborn, Siyalia.

There are more, but they are either too spicy for twitter or just not up to the standards I would like them to be.

More art soon though! 😈

7 37

Commissions for

Kera and Izarallia Kera and Reina

5 26

Was meant to be a little warm-up sketch, but It's been a while since I've drawn any lady elves! Especially Night elves/Kaldorei, So here's a random rough piece of a Night warrior ♥️

6 14

Last but not least, Warden Aqueleya Nightmist (Part 1)🦉

She's also part of the Mistwolf clan, cousins with Kyphaz Mistwolf and (reluctant and constantly frustrated) aunt of Xanthre Mistwolf XD

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My good boy, E'shar Wildsong. He's a druid of the Wild who has recently finished training with the Talon Druids. Druids of the Antler are next on his list 🦌

Hopefully will have more art of him soon >:3

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While not related, these two characters' stories have become deeply interwoven.

Vhuldren Raincrest is a former highborne knight, now cursed.

Synna Venomfeather is essentially a death and decay druid.

I have big plans for these two... more coming soon 👀

4 14

If it's not 90s, it's not cool; I don't make the rules-

9 17

I am making an Orcdorei (kaldorei+orc)

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commissions part 5 (2019)

representing 🌝🐻🐯

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/ commissions part 3 (2019)

Lots of cuties in this one 😌

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Kaldorei commissions part 2, also from 2019 and the latest one from a few weeks ago.

Representing the Kal'thoris family 💖

6 17

thinkin back to my very first DnD character named Fern Sylvanwind. She was super fun but the campaign she was in kinda sputtered out.

deciding if i should make her into a nelf or a belf but honestly i think she'd fit kaldorei way more. ( AND SO WHAT IF I'D HAVE 2 NELF DRUIDS )

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