“Pink Alpaca” 1st nft from help animals collection

Half of costs will go to Ukrainian Shelters (check story of this in comments)

Polygon blockchain

0.01 ETH


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HappySt.Patrick’sDay! The Shamrock is Patrick’s take on the Triskele & pagan triple deity concept. Cultural integration or colonisation? Whatever skin it’s in let’s celebrate joy & drive out the new kind of snakes wherever you are!

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Keep calm!
Все буде Україна!

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People say, we need 21 days to get used to situation.. it's not something I want to be used to.. ☀️🌻🌻🌻💛🍀
🚨🚨🔊 ‼️🚨

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!All profit from the sale will go to a fund to support Ukrainians in defense against Russian aggression!🙏💛💙


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!All profit from the sale will go to a fund to support Ukrainians in defense against Russian aggression!🙏💛💙


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!All profit from the sale will go to a fund to support Ukrainians in defense against Russian aggression!🙏💛💙


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!All profit from the sale will go to a fund to support Ukrainians in defense against Russian aggression!🙏💛💙


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!All profit from the sale will go to a fund to support Ukrainians in defense against Russian aggression!🙏💛💙


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どうしても この物語を書いていくと戦争に直面すると考え主人公の少年達が大学卒業するまでの物語とした。


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