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the introduction of our PLAY AUSTRIA members continues! #FantasticFetus is a collaboration of polish @AKJarosz and austrian @cyangmou @asebist @AncientPixel_AP indie devs re. restrictive abortion laws in poland. yes games can be so much more than fun.
Our new book 'Quarks, Elephants & Pierogi: Poland in 100 Words' has been awarded Most Beautiful Book of 2018 in the Guides category by the Polskie Towarzystwo Wydawców Książek (PTWK)! 🥳
👉 https://t.co/qoEfng7DaB
In our new book 'Quarks, Elephants & Pierogi: Poland in 100 Words', join us on a colourful journey through the Polish language! 💥🐘🥟 #ThisWeekOnCulturePL
👉 https://t.co/IsWsl9VfKX
@PLInst_London @PLinBelgium @CambridgePolish @PLinstStockholm @PLInst_Brussels @PLCultureDelhi
@maiderbee Hi, I am Margrise. I'm 20 years old from Poland, recently listening a lot to Eddy de Pretto. Here are some of my recent works.
100-100회 기념
100회 기념입니다. 전통의상을 입은 걸로 그리려고 노력했으나 영 만족스럽지 못하네요.ㅠㅠ
Hi and welcome to my glorious profile! My name is Martin but you can call me Silver, I'm a 22 year old self taught artist from Poland🌺
Here you can find all the information about me and my commissions: https://t.co/c7Dsfa3Ik6
@margawart Hi there! Thanks for doing this 🌸
People call me Fosi! I’m a 15yo artist from Poland. I love drawing strong ladies and dnd related stuff
スズメバチの巣に ちょっかい出してスウェーデン男性が死亡というニュース、ジョークニュースだったのか。
「これぞスウェーデン! 」って感じだったんでr\polandballに投稿しようかと一瞬思ったのに...俺の純粋な心を踏みにじるなんて許せないんよ
@BubbleBree1 Hi, i'm totod, an awkward totodile from Poland who draws sometimes :v mostly OCs qwq
I’m Fosi, a 15yo artist from Poland. I love designing characters and dnd!
#Polandball 領土であれ何であれ、そこが私の位置なんです: woryok 作 https://t.co/IlVELaqoX5 #ポーランドボール
Myartworks art on sale DIRECTاللوحات الفنية للبيعmarketing🛑 #paris #London #artgallery #amazing #house #gallery #design #designer #art #business #details #brendonurie #berlin #Amsterdam #poland
#شنط #marketing #تسوق #تسويق #منتجاتي #SaudiArabia #Saudiart
Michal Jasiewicz, born 1977 in Poland, architect and watercolour artist #art #painting #artist #watercolour #artwork
#Polandball 4年目もよろしく: woryok 作 https://t.co/XEUanfjjTO #ポーランドボール
King of Poland and Elector of Saxony and a Swedish noblewoman: the Countess Maria Aurora of Königsmarck. She is less known now, but Voltaire called her “the most famous woman of two centuries”. Augustus II fathered a legendarily large number of illegitimate children