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“Double” comps & final art in celebration of bday! Ck out the political w/#TopherGrace

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A Dark Secret of the church has unleashed something evil.

81 16

Cult Rituals, Church Secrets, Serial Killers & the FBI enmeshed in a

57 11

The dreaded O.C.C. They make look like a bunch of choirboys!

26 30

Alone in Egypt.
Time’s running out.
Can Élan survive the SOUL CUTTER?

66 13

There's a new killer coming to Manhattan, and he's watching you! Devil's Tea Party 2 coming soon!

5 1

"spinning a tale of fear and violence that could have come from world headlines" http://t.co/lM73mNz5oz

1 1

Book cover created for the 'With Much Regret'

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You are not in control... Oxymoron: The Loveliest Nightmare is coming this summer!

3 2

Cover created for the 'With Much Regret'

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Writing Thrillers – by Author Kate Kinchen – My Guest Blogger http://t.co/hvQVLRy5vu

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Chronique BD "Monika T1" : un thriller sensuel et étonnant

3 2

My grad film animation short! A thriller comedy! https://t.co/qJpP7Wz6vd

68 125

1958: Alfred Hitchcock-thriller "Vertigo" starring Kim Novak released http://t.co/4xCS0OY7Mz

2 4

"This is a must read for fans of mystery and suspense novels." ★★★★★http://t.co/xUIapffjCY

36 2

Swackett spotlight on The Avengers: Age of Ultron; a science fiction film thriller that won't disappoint the viewers!

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99 cents
bestselling thriller
amz http://t.co/TW7fYiEOkI
B&N http://t.co/6B3zRIFpDp

108 14

"XIII, l’action-thriller a fumetti che seppe trasformarsi in kolossal" http://t.co/YxphqAyuyU via

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Le visual novel "Umineko no naku koro ni" de - thriller fantastique japonais excellent !

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