画質 高画質



You will see the work that I draw in my spare time immediately. When I do finish and other art works that are not posted elsewhere
Here https://t.co/Uvb927ketK

6 30


0 1

Finally got around to that furry Lotte thing from BNA.

PNG: https://t.co/s8fUeqyMyi

36 103

BnA Alter Museumの「Fwd:Good Night Image」。絵画。田中良太と大﨑土夢の2人展。どちらも1980年代前半生まれで、田中は多摩美術大学出身、大﨑は宝塚造形芸術大学出身。ホテルの1階と2階が会場で、作品数は17点。https://t.co/68AXU4SGuf

6 14


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This was supposed to be a warm up redraw but oh my god I actually colored something
I sure am excited for the BNA anime

27 108

I'm goin to bed, wake me up when this comes out.

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Today's warm-up features Brand New Animal!

77 312

Shirou (大神) 🐺💕👌

6 15