Tree of Life by Vladimir Kush

In world mythology, the Tree of Life is associated with the world’s axis connecting Heaven and Earth, and man aspiring to spiritual heights, with the cycles of life, death and revival

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Observation by Vladimir Kush

According to the cosmic order, the Sun is a source of life for the Universe – it begins when the blessed light sent forth by the Lord of Cosmos reaches the planets in the depths of the outer space.

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Lion and a mouse by Vladimir Kush


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Maui - the Hero of the Sun by Vladimir Kush

Maui is a legendary character of New Zealand whose most famous deed is catching the fish, New Zealand. Its name was Te-Ika, and Maui – Te Ika-a –Maui, meaning the fish Maui.

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Light in the Tunnel by Vladimir Kush

The headlights of the cars shining against the dark background of the Shell Mount tunnel can be interpreted as the arrival of a new era of machinery, as the light of reason in the darkness of the “stone cold” nature.

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Rapper's Delight


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Fleeing into the Night by Vladimir Kush

Night, the Two and the Moon are the favorite themes of poets of all times, translating these subjects as the «Romance of Love.»

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Breach by Vladimir Kush

Hawaii is a special destination in the artist’s journey. It is his “promised land,” his mooring “haven.” It was here that his palette gained purity and illumination and his childhood dreams came true.

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Millennium Watchman by Vladimir Kush

In the artist’s imagination, God is willing to do ordinary jobs. God, dressed in a work robe, climbs the ladder to oil the gears, enabling the advancement of time on the world’s clock.

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A is like a bow, and the violin that produces the sound is the reader's soul


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Haven by Vladimir Kush [1280x1024]

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Book of Books by Vladimir Kush

The Book is a symbol of divine revelation. On the XI century Greek mosaic, the Christ is represented, holding in his hands the Bible.

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A can be something of a metaphor for the human body—it has a face, it has a spine.
Chris Ware

V Kush

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Ascent of the Spirit by Vladimir Kush

Symbolism of the work is quite transparent: The human ascending and reaching the ideal, and cognition of his spirit represented by walking up the stairs.

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when the good kush hits 👌

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Across the Mountains and into the Trees by Vladimir Kush

Love has long been associated with the private garden, protected from the view by the trees or mountains. It is the concept of the Garden of Eden

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Africa Force is in the battle of their lives to save Kush in the soon to be completed FACETS book...only one page left to finish!!

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Fish in the City by Vladimir Kush

The Fish and the City are, to a certain extent, two opposed symbols. If the Fish is a phenomenon of Nature, a spontaneous element, the City is a phenomenon of Civilization, a symbol of organization and orderliness.

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Ocean Roar by Vladimir Kush

Careful if you wake the lion. Emotions are a part of the human experience. We can be quickly agitated and just as quickly calmed by the right word, phrase, or action.

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