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Reset my laptop, but, I need to reinstall EVERYTHING and what not. HOWEVER once everything is back to... somewhat normal, hopefully things will be working faster! owo;
Today's stream wasn't optimal,but the artwork that was done by @BAMlisaaa and @rawr0x1 is indeed top tier stuff,thank you for the png,really appreciate it :)
Los ejemplos más claros son Kageaki, Kanae, e Ichijou. Cada uno se aferra a un ideal o vida en el que dejan de ser personas y se convierten más bien en la encarnación de su ideal (Kageaki con el balance entre el bien y mal, Kanae con la venganza e Ichijou con la justicia).
day 11 of #pixeltober2022 theme #animal
... you say animal, I say octopus
#octopus #pixelart #aseprite prompt list by
🌙Inktober day 24: “Fairy”🌙
“But despite his size, he looked like a wolf, moved like a wolf. Animal, I reassured myself. It’s just an animal.”
For todays prompt I decided to draw one of the first scenes from ACOTAR. Hope you like it! 🤍
Colouring page available on my patreon!
Excited to share this item from my #etsy shop: Sea Turtle Clipart, Chibi Cute Turtle, Sea Animal, Reptile Baby, Swimming Turtle, Digital Download, PNG, Line Clip Art, Nursery Printable https://t.co/p1OOqaTF22
¡Préparate para ver un Reuniclus con energía fantasmal, en la región de Paradin! Haz clic aquí:
Ei jovem! Se estiver se sentindo mal, dê um tempo! Seu bem-estar tem que vir primeiro antes de qualquer coisa!!
Johor: (Maybe North Korea love Mal, so they.....No, what was I thinking, but I love it!!)
Mal: Johor big sister, are you ok???(Maybe Johor big sister thinking she and Selangor dating??)
Strange #AIgenerated portraits.🙃🌃
Prompt: ANIMAL,ANIMAL,FLOWER;tom bagshaw
The prompt gives you space to switch up the subjects. For ex., we used 'pig,rabbit,rose' in the first image, and 'cow,pig,rose' for the last two.
➡️Reply below w/ your creation using the prompt.👀
White backed vulture 1/1
🔴 Critically Endangered
The more endangered the animal, the less editing there is.
10% of benefits goes to charity.
Link in comment.🔗
@VGAMA02 No esta mal, pero se parece al de un colega
This took longer than normal, sorry for the wait.
Jomon's actual Halloween costume, a wendigo hunter :3. Enjoy!
Dato curioso acerca del cabello de Mike:
Antes de obtener su estilo de peinado, lo tenía corto como un simple peinado normal, ah partir de allí se lo dejo crecer.
Casi de los 17 meses es donde se lo volvió a cortar un 35% pero conservando los mechones de las orejas.
Si algún día, algún artista me quiere insultar, rebajar, hacerme sentir mal, o quiere degradar mi trabajo, recuerden que yo me esfuerzo por aprender a dibujar manos bien y me salen bien, así que ese será mi argumento siempre, dibujar manos es difícil, pero más difícil tengo esta!
Alright,time to go back to normal,for now,at least until the next festive day as we know what happens the next month after the one is coming...
Após ter presenciado a morte de seu pai de forma paranormal, passou a investigar sua morte sozinha, fazendo favores para cultistas em troca de respostas, até que um dia foi surpreendida por agentes da Mistério S.A. e acabou sendo presa.