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・舞台NIGH オープニングパフォーマンス(ライブペイント)
・WEGO 25周年記念グループ展に参加
・Trimming Salon Moi 新規オープン時の各種デザイン(ロゴ、パンフレット、ショップカード、名刺、オープンチラシ)、立て看板制作
A couple of quick late nigh sketches of some lounging fatty wah, both in briefs and fatpad flavors
To start, this is Super Gal, real name: Bebe.
Before becoming a hero, Super Gal side-kicked under Da City's original hero: Major Dick, but left in order to pursue her own glory and name. Super Gal is ridiculously strong and "nigh" vulnerable.
Can everyone join me in wishing @RadSechrist, who created #Kipo, a happy birthday? Getting to turn Kipo into a TV show with you is hands down a creative and professional highlight that will be nigh impossible to surpass. May you celebrate with cake and a cat band😺#DreamWorksKipo
at シアターKASSAI(池袋)
1月17日(金) サイトウケイスケは開演前の時間でライブドローイングさせていただくことになりました!
1/17(金)19時からのステージの開場中に、イラストレーターのサイトウケイスケさん @keisuke_saito のライブドローイングが開催決定!キッチュでどこか毒があり、けれど最高にまっすぐで美しいイラストが最高に今回の芝居に映えそうで、いまから楽しみです! #舞台NIGH
it's always fun to compare the various chibis of nigh I've done over the years... bit of a gap but 2020, 2017, 2016
just a lil thing of Nigh. I'm trying to figure out how to do chibis again...
@aronora_ Hey! I'm Vynette, don't really have much n terms of social media besides this twitter haha. Hope you're having a great day, as for me I'm alright but also in a nigh-constant state of gay panic lmao.
@NixPixGames @BenjaminMaksym @JC_Bailey1112 @PirateGames8 @IntoADreamGame @Antler_Studios @CheeseMaster_Pr @DeathNTaxesGame @CodenameMallow @bluegoogames @NightInTheWoods @DuskTactics @IWantToGoToMars @DeathTheGame @SoulKeeperGame @EAtkin @ancalabro @LabsSkull @TooOldTooCold @plug_world @AnnaMimik @julcreutz @RicDevlogs @Wolod1402 @bwalter_indie @freaxel_w @SnoozingPixel @entropygamedev @witch_warren @z_bill @qujast @celechii @Weirdlandsgame @MissionCTRLGame Really good titles Nix, I think my inspirations are even more obvious ♥️💙
☁️ @tobyfox 's Undertale
☁️ @edmundmcmillen 's The Binding of Isaac (mostly Antibirth)
☁️ @edmundmcmillen 's The End Is Nigh
The last one is a little bit surprising kinda obvious if you know the game
Happy New Years everyone. Here’s an artist depiction of last nigh when Chellie made me watch the Mandalorian. Drawn by @ChellieArt 😭💕
⑤蒼穹のファフナー THE BEYOND
⑥鬼滅の刃 兄妹の絆
2019's over soon, and it's time to welcome 2020..
Wow, not gonna lie, the end of a decade is nigh, and I dunno what to say! Well..no, I have something to say to you all, and these words are simple -
#MerryChristmas @HappyNewYear #BoozeGalore
"And Four arise, upon iron horses ride; I tell you the ende draweth nigh."
https://t.co/sKblgLy3hz today our #fanart #fairytale #preview is inspired by Snow White! @bullsfish's full art will be available in our #YuriOnIce #zine, don't miss it (the full image is full with delightful surprises ;D)! Preorders starting in 1 day, the time is nigh!