Doom with the Beyonder's Power: "I am the Mightiest being in this...or any Universe! I could destroy you all with but a thought.."

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Here's the Magical Girl who taught us the important lesson of Friendship Through Superior Firepower:
Takamachi Nanoha in her Movie 1 look.

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I drew my rendition of Perfect Kyurem.
Signature Move: Unity Beam : Power: 90 Accuracy: 75% PP: 16 Eff. against Ice, Water, Flying, Grass, Steel and Ground types. Types immune to one type will still be hit with the other eff. damage.

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keysoul (Corruption

who can beat it: no one even god can’t kill it.

power: cosmic star

weakness to beat: overload cosmic star.

42 is the rank between 50 to 10 which some god can beat or beat another way

objective: eating every stars and destroying everything.

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She is part of the squad.

PIGEON POWER: Bendy like a pipe cleaner
LIKES: Somersaulting in the air, flying with bats at night
DISLIKES: Being tied in knots
LOVES: Getting into a crack or crevice (either for a stakeout or just a rest)

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クリスチャン・タウンゼントの新作。氏のコメント「Art & Power: The Mechanical Age. A new series exploring the way Art has been used and controlled to maintain power and the way that artists have responded to it.」

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Happy Monday She's the twin sister of He-Man and leader of her rebellion army against the tyrant Hordak on Etheria. Let's draw the Princess of Power: 💪👸⚔️

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Kaoru Inoue

Quirk: Speed

Speed: 5/5
Agility: 5/5
Power: 3/5
Intelligence: 2/5
Charisma: 4/5

•Beach vacations.
•Taking walks.
•Helping people.

•Being out late.

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Name: Victoria Aubrey Manalo
Power: Solar Magic

Half-avian and half-human, she was born on Midsummer's Dawn; a special day where the sun chooses a child and blesses it with magic. Being a hybrid, her wings have not yet developed, an opportunity for her to be raised as a human.

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Name: Gabrielle Long
Power: Draconic Familiar

Hailing from a noble family, her attitude, and demeanor show a strong, independent woman. In her's and everyone's life, there has only been one word-of-caution: mess with the girl and you get the dragon's fangs.

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Name: Geomarie Tumamao
Power: Absolute Defense

As a shieldmaiden, she can cast shields and barriers of any size that even Divine magic can't penetrate through. Her valiant efforts in offering aid and assistance to those in need have given her the title, "Die Walküre".

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Name: Beatrice Panlaqui
Power: Runemaster

A native of the "Painted Ones", the runes on her body can grant her abilities. She, on the other hand, can manipulate these runes by changing their image; thus granting her a myriad of abilities.

(hope i nailed the design right)

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My BNHA oc I call her Uzu. She decided to become a hairstylist to make people feel pretty. Her Quirk is Spiral Power: which lets her bend what she touches to create spiral patterns.

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Name: Avian Faye Vital
Power: Elemental Mastery

Cant see well without her glasses
Doesn't have a tattoo on her forehead.
I really can't draw the special effects that well...

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Name: Gabrielle Pauline de Guzman
Power: Restoration (Living and Non-living)

she protecc but she also fight bacc
she can heal people as well as fix broken objects
she'll break you first, then she'll heal you so she can break you again

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Name: Justine Nicole Dator
Power: Creation (via drawing)

let's take a break from feathers
some of y'all gave really OP powers
if there was a story to this: she's part of an organization of really powerful mages that have plans for world domination

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Name: Ian Victor Arceo
Power: Enhanced Eyesight & Dexterity

who? who?
comfy boi
looks like a cinnamon bun but will actually kill you

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Name: Dean Hans Yobhel Nucum
Power: Enhanced Speed

screwed up his height but yeah fuq that
was really influenced by some bird vids
guess which bird

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