Wolf Jump
Oto(Oto-tachibana), one of my OCs. She is a fiancee of Takeru. To be exact, she is a hybrid of the Wolf & the Fox.

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> サ終後3ヶ月、ジパン王と会えない寂しさがマックスになった卑弥呼と、それをわりと真面目に心配してモフモフを勧めるタケユ。

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Takeru Hat-A-Day
Day 74 - BanchoMamemon's student cap

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Takeru Hat-A-Day
Day 73 - Baalmon's bandana

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Takeru Hat-A-Day
Day 72 - Jokermon's foolscap

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Takeru Hat-A-Day
Day 71 - Gokuwmon's circlet

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Takeru Hat-A-Day
Day 70 - Volcamon's backwards cap

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FUN FACT: I named the prefecture in Japan where my characters Hikaru and Takeru live in after one of the characters in Kill la Kill

Mankanshoku Prefecture is what it’s called

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Takeru Hat-A-Day
Day 69 - Hookmon's pirate hat

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Takeru Hat-A-Day
Day 67 - BlackTailmon Uver.'s courier hood

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Takeru Hat-A-Day
Day 66 - Revolmon's oversized cowboy hat

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Takeru Hat-A-Day
Day 65 - Sistermon Blanc's veil

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Takeru Hat-A-Day
Day 64 - Sistermon Ciel's veil

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Sharing this cute Takari piece I drew back in 2021
Takeru and Hikari are still my favourite ones (and so are Angemon and Angewomon!)

Sorry for not being active, I'm currently recovering from a flu😷

Also, praying for 🇺🇦!
Hope and Light
Love and Peace🌻🌻

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Takeru Hat-A-Day
Day 63 - Sistermon Noir's veil

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Takeru Hat-A-Day
Day 62 - Witchmon's witch hat

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