Shark Forde seems to be everyone's fave in VR!

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Longest running project-year 13 Kinder tear bears. It’s perfect-creates smiles + confidence (all experience success), includes texture, shapes, gluing, practices (+ allows me 2 observe) 1+2 step direction following etc. Now 1 from my baby girl!

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A favorite of mine, since it's is Jasper Fforde's 'Shades of Grey'. Set in a dystopian world with Victorian sensibilities, society is dictated by a class system determined by colors and perception.

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„Weltklimarat fordert Kehrtwende bei Landnutzung:
Dürren, Hitzewellen, Wasser- und Nahrungsmangel – Kein Weitermachen wie bisher“

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I’m finally able to post this! I drew Forde for an FE: Sacred Stones zone back in December :>

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A sample of the two illustrations I've made for 's futur Fire emblem Fanbook <3 I drew Ephraim (with Forde and Kyle) and Shigure <3

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„Ende des INF-Vertrags:
Maas fordert neue Abrüstungsgespräche statt neues Wettrüsten“

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Primera noticia de pero es que vaya portadón:

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CCSD Art Teacher Play Day! Oh, did y’all have to work?!

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In der Stellungnahme „#Klimaziele2030: Wege zu einer nachhaltigen Reduktion der fordert die Leopoldina sozialverträgliche & innovationsfördernde Sofortmaßnahmen zum Das Papier gibt es hier: (1/4)

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ganz schöne Herausforderung dieses Totenkopfglas

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Im too scared of this haircut to start with it xD i guess I won't stream today but relax instead. Tomorrow I will stream some drawing!

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Entschiedenere Bekämpfung der Armutsmigration gefordert
( schwere Versäumnisse und kriminelle Netzwerke )

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THIS YEARS old forde/kyle 'comic' i did is still so funny i love you franz

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has not only offered to procure Su-35S fighter jets, they have also offered MiG-35. However according to officials, the cash-trapped which had not afforded the F-35 program costs in 2019 & will not afford buying MiG-35 & Su-35.

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Das ist für mich Neuland. Aber es zieht mich weiter und weiter in die Tiefe der Grenzenlosigkeit. Es fühlt sich gut an, macht Spaß, herausfordert mich und lässt mich wachsen.
Nur, dass die glitzernde Grube kein Ende hat, beunruhigt mich.

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