Gonna be adding all my older until current Monsties i've done with watercolor! Starting with my first one Mizutsune and Lagiacruz🌊🐉⚡️i did quite some time ago~

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Late to this, but my top 4 Monsters from is Kushala Daora, Mizutsune, Lagiacruz, and Alatreon~

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Everyone knows that tonight's Smash reveal is going to be Mizutsune Archer Sarisse from the smash hit Dragalia Lost × Monster Hunter collab.

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Mizutsune! I've been wanting to draw this pretty boy for a while now, I really hope that we get to see him in Rise, I adore the leviathans 💕

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Interestingly, unlike normal male Mizutsune, Soulseer Mizutsune doesn't become more aggressive during the breeding season. Due to it being blind, it never seeks out a mate and doesn't groom itself to appeal to females. Like Mizutsune, all Soulseer encountered in-game are male.

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Noticeably, the fur on Soulseer's front legs and tail are usually white. Mizutsune are known for grooming themselves often, keeping the fur on their body soft and purple, but Soulseer Mizutsune rarely ever does.

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Name: Soulseer Mizutsune (天眼タマミツネ)
Title: Heavenly Flower That Blooms in Ignorance (無明に咲く天華)
Length: 2871.47cm

Order: Leviathan
?: Unknown
Suborder: Sea Beast Wyvern
Infraorder: Bubble Fox Wyvern
Family: Mizutsune

Habitats: M. Peaks, S. Pinnacle, P. Forest, Jungle

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J'ai fait le mizutsune mais je ne sais pas quoi en penser

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Made a late night painting of the fabulous
Such a rollercoaster of an experience this painting was but I think I finally captured that I was really happy with in the end!

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ジンオウガ タマミツネ ジンタマ
zinogre & mizutsune

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貴方の 生まれた日
タマミツネ // mizutsune

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🌸 - por su colorido y casi místico aspecto no es de extrañar que la llamen zorro de agua , sus hermosos colores cautivan a cualquiera en el atardecer

Nombre : Alyson
Raza :. Leviathan ( Mizutsune)
Genero : hembra
90% dominante 10 sumisa

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Male Mizutsune are brightly colored and have large fins, while female Mizutsune have duller colors and smaller fins. The males are also capable of flushing blood into their fins, causing them to become red in color to reflect their emotions.

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As mentioned above, Mizutsune isn't a very aggressive monster, preferring to avoid most fights. While usually calm, male Mizutsune (All of the Mizutsune we fight in-game are males) become extremely aggressive during the mating season, leading to unprovoked attacks on humans.

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While their movements are impaired by the bubblefoam, Mizutsune's aren't due to the hardened claws on its feet. It uses those claws as spikes to control its movements as it slides, preventing the monster from slipping around wildly as it outmaneuvers its opponents.

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While the irregular scales hold onto the bubblefoam that it secretes, the fur is used to produce and spread the bubbles throughout its environment. By rubbing its scales on its fur or on the ground, Mizutsune is capable of producing bubbles that it can use to its advantage.

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Normally, its fur is stiff and hard, but it becomes silky soft like a brush once it's soaked with the bubblefoam. Although the fur may seem like a strange adaptation, it's actually an essential tool for Mizutsune.

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Unlike other leviathans, Mizutsune has purplish fur covering a large portion of its body. Although the hair on its body is called fur, it is actually specially evolved scales that have taken on a similar appearance and feel to that material.

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