Nightcloak Malfestio, the Hidden Haze 🦉🌕✨
▸#fanart: Gelliks [DeviantArt]

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I made how babys Malfestio looks o how i think they look.

11 41

I've already said malfestio and chameleon before but I'll give you a new one bc ily: violet mizutsune

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So I'm currently playing MH4U and I'm in love with Malfestios Design💙
you would love it

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Over my time playing, these are the four that come to mind for me. The confusion mechanics on Malfestio never bothered me much tbh

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Lavanda from Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate, she's a legendary retired hunter who now just runs the G Rank Hunter's Pub

Really pretty dress made from Malfestio materials

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No me decido entre el Malfestio o el Lagiarcus, pero creo que te pegan 💞💫

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Malfestio & Apex Malfestio 🌒 ⟦#MHRise Style Icon⟧
▸#fanart: 兼山倉ノ助 [pixiv]

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Monster Hunter has so many good designs I can't narrow it down to one, so four I really like: Nerscylla, Malfestio, Ahtal-ka, and Radobaan.

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g-rank blademaster Glacial Agnaktor
g-rank gunner Nibelsnarf
low rank gunner Malfestio
low rank gunner Rathian

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Monsters I haven't fought that I'd love to see in Sunbreak

Nightcloak Malfestio (Reason: OWL.)
Seregios (Love its pinecone texture and the concept of forging self-sharpening weapons.)
Amatsu (Beautiful roar, perfect post-Ibushi/Narwa enemy.)
Ahtal-Ka (TRUE Wirebug Challenge)

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New TEPPEN card featuring Malfestio and Tigrex called "Wild Resistance".

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"Nocturnal Enchantment" card featuring Malfestio and some Jaggi. I love seeing Malfestio again, and the "third eye" look from the mind control stone really suits it.

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A Malfestio Trick or a treat of super rare eggs, please?
🎃 Happy Spukeiy Halloween you guys! 🎃

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HoloEn x MH
Mumei n Malfestio
owl family gatherin~

25 92

So I’ve been playing so much more Monster Hunter and have fought a lot different types of monsters. Out of these 4, 3 are some my all time favorite, 1 is something I despise! Guess which is the bad one
(In order)

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