Remade some art I did 12 years ago for yesterdays Inktober picture... todays art is coming... tonight!

24: "Chop"

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A picture of Hybrid for Inktober, actually a full color picture....because Hybrid's very easy to color, haha.

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If we ever see Zatanna in a DC movie, certain powers of hers are unlikely to make an appearance in a family-friendly picture...

Zatanna is able to transform the blood of her opponents into lava and literally melt them from the inside out!

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New Profile Picture...

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Looking back on this, now it looks like that one picture...

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GoldenExperience &Giorno, the color destroyed my picture......😭

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i couldnt add a second picture... im not sure why but for colour/tone ref BUT THANK I 💖 UUUUUUUUUUUU😭😭😭😭

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"[...]Inspiration struck when I saw my mother’s sewing machine at home. I thought it could be a good idea to use it to draw picture..."
Beautiful sewing illustration by Miyuki Sakai

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it took me a while, but I did finish my Little Riddle picture...! 😅🎵

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New profile picture...on basically everything. Thanks to for making it. 💙

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Shiori Sena Sukebe picture...

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Poke persona!
What if I changed my profile on every social media to this picture....

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I have retired from drawing as a profile picture...

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new drawing and profile picture... cuz i havent posted anything in ages ^^

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updated group picture...!

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A few people have inquired about my new profile picture... it's my badge from the lovely !

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Be prepared for my greatest act of heresy ever. And probably not the last.

Just wait to see the full picture...

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Gaaaaaah so and had to make me wanting to leave competitive Splatoon difficult by drawing me this freakin' amazing picture... I don't have anything in my eyes by the way 😭❤️

But really, this means more to me than I can put into words. Thanks so much 💕

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"You want a picture...with me? Uhm...ok I guess I can do tha-" *SNAP*
"Zephy...? But...only Ras calls me that..." [confused glare]

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