Imaginem o poder de uma multidão fazendo os movimentos? AQui nas redes. Gritem, vibrem, essa é a nossa luta Vamos juntos; Sobrevivemos porue não estamos sozinhos

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Doing my part in society today and hoping Netflix will not cancel one of the most brilliant, imaginative shows ever made. It might not justify metrics, but high profile cancellations like these will slowly but inevitably chip away at the Netflix brand and user trust.

86 260

"to exist is to survive unfair choices"

8 35

"He made us feel we couldn't possibly be angels. We were too human."

65 295

To exist is to survive unfair choices

52 113

please, make this for the fans

61 109

This is so sad!! Why ? is such a good show! It gaves people hope, It make us believe that we can do what we think it's impossible, to create and believe in our dreams!. Why would you cancel such a beautiful, well thought show?

31 210

RENEW THE OA OR RELEASE THE RIGHTS. It was YOUR bad decision to cancel an amazing, beautifully written, ORIGINAL series. You have no right to hold it hostage if you’re not using the content. You have 13rw to obsess over. We want art, not bullshit.

76 164

i come bearing a meme. use it if you will

320 944