전함소녀 글로벌 서버가 인기가 많아져야

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...를 만날 수 있습니다.

7 12

A concept of Italian Navy's DDX [659×465] from /u/ChonkyThicc at https://t.co/sXzf29G9n3

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이번에는 우리동네 핑크머리들

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Battlecruiser HMS Queen Mary as she appeared at Jutland, where she was sunk with the loss 1,266 men [4000 x 1850] from /u/Mattzo12 at https://t.co/D398lCq2WX

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Warships blitzってBGMがめっちゃかっこいいね草

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전함소녀를 플레이하는 전함소녀

3 4

Swift Boat night action in Vietnam by John Steele [4096x2420] from /u/dnadosanddonts at https://t.co/mvulLua6PP

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광기의 매드 항공모함 호오인 티코
狂気のマッド空母 鳳凰院Ti子

7 14

New commission! Jaren lounging in his bed aboard the warship he serves on! I absolutely the atmosphere here, as well as all the details on the floating screen! The planet in the BG is wonderful too <3

Done by Kinotika on FA

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