My tribute to Stan Lee - one of the most deserving and hard working individual's to have inspired me. I have adored your characters from the second I laid eyes on them. May they inspire generations more.

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This is Tribute to the Legend by TubofGoo in
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RT if you think Stan Lee was also the master of comic books!

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Superhero stories at their best are parables. Stan Lee, maybe more than anyone in the industry, created characters and stories that inspired children and adults alike to be better. What a huge loss.

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Thank you Stan, you will be missed terribly, but also celebrated everyday. Excelsior!

Rest In Peace 💐

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So many more ideas of his we’ll never get to see. Decided to leave this one unfinished, much like Stan’s legacy. Rest In Peace Stan, you’re back with Joan now.

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Uma simples homenagem a essa lenda dos quadrinhos!
Obrigado Stan por ser uma fonte de inspiração e motivação, seu legado viverá no coração dos seus fãs!
Descanse em paz Stan Lee.

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An igniter of imagination for billions over the last several decades. A true superhero who will be truly missed.

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Yesterday, the legend passed away. I the His have become a part of our culture, and in many ways, he Who/what is your favorite Stan Lee creation? My favorite is Swipe for some sketches.

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