[fe3h] five years is quite a long time

88 255

[#fe3h] dude! it’s Lorenz!!!

125 223

[fe3H] baby byleth doodles

0 1

[fe3h] do not let them be apart ever........

461 883

[#fe3h] intsys wouldn’t give us Hilda’s brother, Holst so I had to take matters into my own hands

592 1273

[fe3h] byleth/edelgard

24 95

[#fe3h] loathing. unadulterated loathing.

231 348

[fe3h] obligatory byleth redesign

156 431


In this house we love this golden deer gal! 😤

836 1640

Seteth and Flayn doodles

1792 4309

ferdinand/hubert (+edelgard) [fe3h] - she thought if they got along it would be more peaceful but now they're more annoying

4176 8381

[#fe3h] beautiful, shining, astonishing, talented, angel boys

70 120

“Have you heard of Loog and the Maiden of Wind professor?”

32 99

the odd couple [hubert/ferdinand, fe3h]

1106 2377

[fe3h] don't bother him

523 883

”I think I got myself entangled, but I don’t want to let go”

10 17