Isabel Rawsthorne, Soho artist, hellraiser and socialist photographed by John Deakin and painted by Francis Bacon 14 times. Model, activist, bohemian, artist. Also painted by Picasso. At Tate Britain exhibition. The ADRIFT IN SOHO milieu

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some old art featured on patreon last october! I'm nostalgic for and want to go back and rewatch a few of the movies again.. kirsty cotton is my fav

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Ep. 180 of the we go over the results of the duels of blood tournament and also , and news. Congrats to .

8 10

After all this time, I'm finally putting on Hellraiser Judgement!

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some of my fav picks for
The Thing
Princess Mononoke

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oh here's the studies of teeth that I did for that Hellraisers poster

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Quarter to 5 A.M. post-homework doodle time yields weird drawings of my own character. Anyway, probably shouldn't have kept the TV on that Hellraiser sequel...

4 20

For the release of the last very good (lol). here a Fanart of one of the characters of the world of (and my favorite): Agonistes.

(sur ceux je vais aller me remettre de la PLS magistral que ce fanart m'a infligé. Des bisous hein <3)

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HELLRAISER (1987) by Clive Barker

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Have you guys watched this new “HELLRAISER: PEZ DISPENSER” movie??

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Cenobites of the never realeased movie Hellraiser the Origins.

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I am in-between major gigs so looking for work asap. Concept art for movies /tv /games. Artist for

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