Read more about our answer to the Uber Pool problem in : a sustainable, autonomous and electric vehicle called

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"Does autonomy mean being able to make art that satisfies a market, having to decide where to sell it, promote it, set a price, and negotiate directly with the buyer? Or is it the freedom to explore artistic self-expression?"

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Been thinking about a mine worked autonomously be clay golems, which would then go into a frenzied state, either by the owner losing control, or by a party trying to halt operations at the mine and triggering a defensive response and merging to form abominations (will draw later)

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[#Numérique] Le tome 9 de « Ma vie dans les bois » est disponible au format :
E-librairies :
Découvrez l'histoire vraie de Shin Morimura, un mangaka, qui a décidé de partir vivre en autonomie dans la montage !

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Ace of UTS autonomous police but got fired because he refused to kill civilian, Tae Ho

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Thank you for supporting 🇭🇰🙏🏻
autonomy was gradually exploiting by we must strike back 💪

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naturally, SEEDs can be used for more than just crude guns and flutes - in fact, their principal use is within autonomous gel-golems. These come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and levels of artificial intelligence depending on the task for which they are required.

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(2/2) ...his individuality back. Firstly as simple ideas and feelings in Tenno's mind. Later he has become fully self-conscious and autonomous. Now, Oberon and his Tenno are best buddies and they fight side by side for simple desire to live a happy live.

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Ethical Criticism of Art

Traditionally, there were two opposing philosophical positions taken with respect to the legitimacy of the ethical evaluation of art: ‘moralism’ and ‘autonomism’,

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My inspiration for my well-intentioned villain, Kana, were Unity from Rick and Morty, and Superman from Four. Basically, both of these characters stripped away any sort of autonomy from the populous in the name of the greater good.

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One country Two systems huh?

for it is deprived of human rights, autonomy, press and academic freedom and more.

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Morisot’s art provides a window into the social changes of Bourgeois women in the 19th C & their evolving gain in autonomy. She died, sadly, before women got the vote. Little Girls At Window (1892), Two Nymphs (1892), Jeanne Pontillon (1893) & On the Balcony (1893)

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Louise Bech Pedersen | Spiderman | Beauton Art Gallery

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Some of my brush pen works, 2nd one being based on the Auton story Russell wrote

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[Opération "#ResteChezToi avec un manga" - S4]

Le tome 1 de "Ma vie dans les bois" arrive en lecture libre pendant 48H :

Découvrez l'histoire vraie d'un auteur de manga parti vivre en autonomie ! Une oeuvre familiale, mais aussi un guide pratique. 😉

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limited boxset

Rage / Lust / Grief / Envy / Mercilessness / Femininity

Pride / Resilience / Security / Trust / Rebuke / Autonomy

Fear / Intimacy / Pure Emotion / Healing / Redemption / Reconnection / Acceptance

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Dungeons as semi-autonomous pseudo-organic entities that seek to reproduce (perhaps by spores or something). Help me trace the genealogy of this concept.

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