A lil' warm up doodle with a lil' good boi from ✌️ Thanks for making my day with the video of y'alls Harajuku Adventure! 😂💖


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After what seems like a zillion reworkings, I'm finally feelin' in the right place with for my "A Moment in TIme'

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I scanned it and ... ho surprise ... I discovered I drew two right hand ... oh the shame ... give me a ✋ in the comments if you approuve of two right handed girls 😨 ⠀

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And finally done, well it's the first version, here with the original lineart, I'm hopping to also do the lineart with a dip pen on the original art. But so far I'm quite happy about this one... finally... what do you think ? ⠀

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I posted the 3rd pic before, but the rest are ones I made since December. This is the whole sequence of paintings for when Elliot first feels the spark for Hugo. 🌈✨#pumpkins

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Here are some of the paintings I did on the children's book I'm working on! These are my favorites of the ones I've done since December that feature Granny Mildred. 😊#pumpkin

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Here are some of the paintings I did on the children's book I'm working on! These are my favorites of the ones I've done since December that have Elliot and his family.

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Haii! How y’all?💖Cutting zir from the middle was not cute but everything else turned so good🌈Watchu gulz think?💖

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This is where I wish I had spent the Easter long weekend! Sadly a flat tire halfway put an early end to my escape to the wilderness, but at least it meant I got to spend time painting!

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