I like Green-Eyed Cowboy.
I like OXOB as well.
So this is Cowboy OXOB

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Trying to draw new fanart about Story
I can't confirm it's Andre, so I changed it to GG at last

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Got the Ghostly Gen 2 Misdreavus
Always found it interesting how it's a combination of a Banshee and those floating Medusa heads from Castlevania

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To this day I still think about how WarGreymon took out Machinedramon and MetalSeadramon were some of the most savage KO's in Digimon

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I'm Scribbledguy a freelance black cartoonist and character designer
Here are my coms prices(sorry if pricey) to streaming schedule to where you can get early content https://t.co/8VNMxVWe8u

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