画質 高画質

Completely forgot to post this. Quick and dirty clay render of the pirate. Might make this concept properly sometime.

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clay terran is still alive clay terran is still alive clay terran is still alive clay terran is still alive clay ter

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NFL Divisional Faceoff 2: Clay III vs Tyron

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I have finished playing with clay and it’s now time to recycle it again...

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My first time to CTN EXPO- I'll be on a Zbrush Panel. "Ideas Born in Clay" Sat 2PM-3PM. Come on by!

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Another on it's journey from into Here's the wax version I'm working on for casting.

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Now at HAM: A Clay Bestiary:

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Oct 6 - Oct 31, 2014. 20 Days, 20 Sculptures, 20 Blocks of Clay

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bust sketch by Cyril Roquelaine (Mike Butkus design) - one hour in monster clay http://t.co/WnyIGRmYgT

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