⭐️”SongXiao” Sweet Dreams sticker set⭐️OPEN FOR TRADE⭐️

想要交换这無料请PM我❤️Plz PM me for sticker trade❤️

149 519

SongXiao for i ended up making this a little sad sdlkngs TYSM😭💖💕💞!!!

53 141


110 338

A plot from 归安's《宋道长回白雪观了么》
Here's the story:https://t.co/WcE4wJgLP4
P2 is not in the story,I did it😂

212 555

here is what definitely 100% happened after song lan parted ways with the main gang after yi city arc

2906 4766

521 means "I love u" in Chinese( *´°`*)

165 398

a little songxiao doodle until i get the time to draw them properly!! i really like to imagine them with this kind of dynamic 😂

965 2325


119 339

WeiYing: Oh hello...daozhang, A Qing !!!
A Qing: Hello !!!
I just imagine one day they meet 😅😅😅

133 362

For no reason at all, a cheesy pic.

39 104

one half of a kofi request for who requested a songxiao (i think you donated an extra kofi so i also tossed in a-qing!! i hope that is okay c:) your second request will come later :D

6 9

took another break for some tiny songxiaos T -T i'm so ready for s2 to tear my heart to pieces!!!

267 660