
19 46


— Похоже, тебе спалось очень даже хорошо, — произнес Сун Лань холодно и совершенно беспристрастно, словно бы не подтрунивал над ним тайком, и Сюэ Ян тут же подскочил, бросив на него сердитый взгляд.


1 23

last comm batch, part 2! lots of song lan this time (grateful)
again, please don't use these unless they were made for you!

28 88

some children's storybook songxiao for day 4, mountain ⛰

the first time he found himself on that mountain, and the last.

50 126

starting song lan week off with some songxiao for the first prompt, winter ❄

91 237


15 45

✨Song Lan dando uma florzinha pro Xiao Xingchen dele 🥺💓💓💓💓

48 146


11 38


42 95

since song lan doesn't get a canon birthday, a dear friend and i have decided it would be today, december 21st, winter solstice. so... happy birthday to one man i love so much🖤

58 147