New paper: A 1,000 year old ritual bundle found in SW Bolivia held remains of Cocaine, DMT, Harmine, Bufotenine, & possibly Psilocin. May be the most psychoactive chemicals in a single archaeological find. Also two snuff trays, a snuff pipe & scrapers.

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MerMay Day 5 : Mutation
Got a lady that was a bit to close to some chemicals. Could have been worse I guess.

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►Folge 05 :

Takuya und die anderen versuchen weiterhin herauszufinden, was Lacuna Chemicals im Schilde führt. Doch schon bald werden sie vom Zauberer Yoshiaki in einen neuen Fall verwickelt ...

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I was thinking about the connection we have with the natural environment and how our brains respond by releasing lovely feel-good chemicals, and this little drawing emerged. Ink, saltwater, pen + pencil.

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Nearly all of Miami-Dade County’s water supply comes from two well sites. Pamela Cabrera (MDes ’19) proposes new ways for protecting the city’s aquifer from surface chemicals and salt water intrusion.

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Warped Topographies - Chemigrams

Here is some new work in my Warped Topographies project. These have been made using chemicals as well as my usual processes. Posted in celebration of Spring Polaroid Week 2019

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Hawthorn in full bloom is a joy to behold! However, in May blossom is closely associated with death! To attract pollinators the flowers emit triethylamine which is one of the first chemicals produced when living tissue starts to decay.

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An old drawing I never put out there but here's my Blood Hunter Shadar-Kai. Just an industrial goth boy who has a fascination with chemicals.

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and uses that to his advantage, although he only started developing it when he got with clyde 7 years ago. he currently knows how to make smells ranging from cologne to some deadly ass chemicals jsbshsjsb, when he combines it with his main elem (fire) it can get worse lol.

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chemicals in the water turning the friggin frogs gay! 🐸

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calls herself "coffin" and likes to listen to mcr and throw dangerous chemicals in peoples eyes

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Alcohol triggers your immune system to release chemicals called cytokines, which affect memory and concentration as well as causing headaches, nausea and tiredness 💀

Our advice? 🥤 + 🛏️ + 😴

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they put chemicals in the water that turn the freaking frogs gay

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Playing with chemistry! Various chemicals mixed with inks

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A dwarven chef who started dabbling in alchemy in order to improve her dishes, traveling worlds on her tiny restaurant airship and experimenting with a wide variety of exotic chemicals!
"Mama Yum-Yum's! The best noodles in the universe!"

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**Environmentalism and Feminism in conversation** On 20th March, host a forum at on the toxic chemicals in plastics. With an all-female panel from Environmental institutions as well as independent plastic-free campaigners. Don't miss it:

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My personalized Frog-Girl-Turned-Bisexual-By-The-Chemicals-In-The-Water pride flag!

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Patreon Reward for

Mixing a few of the wrong chemicals, Recosis, now a fully feral toucan, tries their best to mix something to reverse this. However, it's proving to be more difficult without hands! Who knows what could happen if they end up mixing the wrong amount

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Sunday afternoon in the dark room, well, kitchen actually. Playing with chemicals, resists and old photographic paper.

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