Soy Mayra, 30 años, diseñadora web por e ilustradora por amor al arte.
Fan de la ciencia, de la vida salvaje y lo paranormal. Amo la comida, a mi Husky Agnar y mi vldeojuego fav es Zelda

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La consommation de viande, principale cause du réchauffement climatique ?
▶️ Source:
▶️ Hashtags:

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Our own turtley awesome Dr. Emily Miller () drew this conscious-of-its-ecological-issues-but-hopeful-on-the-inside hawksbill turtle for She recently presented her study on the global commercial trade in tortoiseshell.

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"My work is a lens through which I view people as landscapes, discerning characteristics that indicate specialized relationships with the world. We are each super organisms; as we age, we develop unique, diverse ecologies." - Amanda Lilleston on view through 6/22.

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Final Revision Notes for anyone taking A Level Government & Politics today : Feminism / Ecologism

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My newest painting illustrating the Nitrogen Cycle
Original is available and prints also for sale at
Big thanks to Andis and ecologists and for answering my questions and helping select critters to represent this natural process!

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🌿 Identification of Animals and Plants is an Essential Skill Set "Take the time to engage with both the little and big things growing around you and discover the joy of re-connecting with Nature."

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The Space Brothers-our extraterrestrial friends were a common theme among the 1950's contactee movement. They came in flying saucers from Venus and warned about nuclear and ecological desasters.

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Ecologistas en Acción anunció en 2002 aparición de un pez con graves alteraciones genéticas en las cercanías de la Central Nuclear de Garoña. Más tarde reconoció que mintió deliberadamente para conseguir dar "un golpe de efecto" vía

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Ocultar un problema no lo hace desaparecer

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Dans l'Hebdo, focus sur une actualité verte pour les : une route qui s’éclaire seulement lors du passage des ça se passe dans la petite ville de Hole, en >

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“Resurgence is the spiritual and philosophical heart of the ecological movement. It has been the home of wonderful ideas and I hope that there will be widespread support as it seeks to secure a new home”
Donate NOW:

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Book giveaway! We interviewed whose series illustrated by has numerous ecological themes, LISTEN HERE AND THEN RETWEET this for a chance to win ALL 3 volumes ~ (winner must be in US due to shipping costs, sorry)

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“At first I thought being a bird gynecologist would be fun and exciting.“

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When a female patient reports haematuria (bloody urine), doctors should always think about gynaecological causes in addition to those arising from the urinary tract.

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