I drank too much coffee and then had a minor panic attack when I found out I missed the bus. Here is my beyond late entry, done with my left hand.

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Our own turtley awesome Dr. Emily Miller () drew this conscious-of-its-ecological-issues-but-hopeful-on-the-inside hawksbill turtle for She recently presented her study on the global commercial trade in tortoiseshell.

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This is quite embarrassing as an illustrator but my left hand mouse drawing games is WAAAY off.

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In order to satisy both and here is a diagram I made (unfortunately with my dominant hand) back when I was an REU student in Arkansas.

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Apparently is a thing. Fortunately for me (and unfortunately for others), MS Paint is my preferred medium.

Here are a few pieces. These aren't necessarily the best-looking ones, just the least 'memey/'cringy.

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Here's my Vibrio cholerae with type 6 secretion systems-a-blazin' drawn with my non-dominant hand

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