Fancy boys💀♥

》Grisha | Åska | Selvmord | Black《

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“In this moment he was just a boy -brilliant, blessed with too much power, burdened by eternity.”

The Darkling, Aleksander Morozova from "Ruin and Rising" by

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His eyes fluttered shut. "Don't let me be alone," he murmured. And then he was gone.”

that part broke my heart ...
Alina and The Darkling by

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that scene when The Darkling disguised himself as Mal and did ecchi stuffs with Alina ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ), I know this part Alina's hair hadn't turned white but I like to paint her with white hair as a reminder that suicidal action she pulled at the end of book 2.

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Finally posting to Twitter: Nina and Matthias from Thanks for the tears, 😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️

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ALEKSANDER calm the fuck down, close your pretty eyes please yaaaa kyaaa
i know this sounds thick-skinned since i painted this but damnn he's sooo hot

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guys, hands or no hands? i understand with the hands, there's a story for him, but his pretty face would be covered... I've always wanted to paint The Darkling's lovely face when he died...

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“...until you have no shelter but mine.”

you know at that moment, there'd be no coming back for both of them *sigh*

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I ship Alina with... the whole world tbh. Mal and Alina from ‘s Grisha Trilogy. It just.. it ruined me.

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in book 3, that scene when Alina met The Darkling and he asked her to learn his real name, as she thought Aleksander was such a common name, then their what i want to depict the most, so sooo beautiful ;_______;

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since some of you ask me my opinions about grisha trilogy, only "Ruin and Rising" is my favorite, i remember how much i bitching about "shadow and bone", book 2 is ok, but book 3 is absolutely beautiful. That part when he asked her to call his name...

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“The problem with wanting,“ he whispered, his mouth trailing along my jaw until it hovered over my lips, "is that it makes us weak.”
― Leigh Bardugo, Shadow and Bone

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↠ day five: alina starkov, the grisha trilogy

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Take an Illustrated Look at 10 Christmas Books, From Cheever to Grisham

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