Here’s the doodle bunch!
Feel free to use any of these as icons- just credit me!

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Beach Ophelia and Xerah commission by Tabbu from Discord, thank you so mucchhh !!! /o/

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108~109화 공개! 📢
▶ 브랜드 페이지 :

의외의 조합 & 등장!
마왕카셀 : 좀 보게 🔥

5 7

Hope you are enjoying wonderful summer!
무엇을 선호하던지, 여름은 여전히 최고의 계절이죠!

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Or would you rather go for artsy stuffs?
혹은 예술적인 활동에 더 끌리시는 편인가요?

122 292

How about some ball games under the sun?
태양 아래서 게임 한 판 어때요?

75 129

Mint chocolate or Strawberry, that is the question.
민트초코냐 딸기냐, 그것이 문제로다!

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Tuesday Surprise! Some Citrusy treats for a fresh week?
서프라이즈! 상쾌한 한주를 위한 새콤달콤 디저트 어때요?

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They seem busy even in the summer to make sure Orvel's people can play safely in the waters.
그들은 여름에도 오르벨 사람들의 안전한 물놀이를 위해 바빠보입니다.

42 129

Nia is also enjoying Orvel's Water Park!
니아도 오르벨 워터파크를 만끽 중입니다.

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Surfing is the best summer sport for brave heroes!
용감한 영웅들에게 가장 어울리는 여름 스포츠는 서핑이죠!

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Orc and goblin too need cocktails and rest.
오크와 고블린들에게도 칵테일과 휴식이 필요합니다.

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In the summer, he prefers a swimsuit and sunglasses instead of dices.
여름엔 그도 주사위가 아닌 수영복과 선글라스를 선택하게 될걸요?

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A small Neraxis doodle. I felt like drawing him but also not put much effort into it, so there it is!

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What wizards need most is actually a water park to cool off, right?
마법사들에게 가장 필요한 건 사실 더위를 식혀줄 워터파크가 아닐까요?

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