Well, I’ve decided to run Lasers & Feelings but (obviously) in an aquatic setting because I’m On My Bullshit. Now to brainstorm...

Fishes and Feelings?

1 25

Skeptical starts out with a focus on two boys, Chip and Ellis. Ellis is a type of human who can shoot lasers from his chest, and Chip has no idea that he's technically a zombie. The two quickly form a close bond with each other, and also learn more about themselves along the way!

3 8

Is it like this but Blake without the eye lasers?

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lasers and feelings, tonight we are sleuth kids.... here is eleanor harris, an often disinterested computer wizard 🗝🔎

3 29

Here, have an creature. I call it a "Spearhead" and it shoots lasers and stuff.

That is all, goodnight.

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huge titties that shoot lasers

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Do you guys think Kizaru's lasers can be reflected/deflected by mirrors? If so, does that mean Brulee's devil fruit counters Kizaru's?

6 52

Let's go to Six Lasers over Cybertron!

10 13

Hello there, yes, I don't know if I mentioned it but I'm illustrating the new edition of the tabletop RPG "Laser Ponies" from and and it's probably the greatest thing I've drawn in a long long time and did i mention the lasers they shoot from their eyes?

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"Tungsten is one of Starsteel's powerful warriors, and a rather calm one compared to the rest. Her body contains nanobots that emit light lasers, refracted to a selected visible wavelength and also fires special molecules carried by the light, takes effect upon impact."

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Patricia Era Bath was a physician who invented a device that uses lasers to remove cataracts from the eyes! // Learn more: https://t.co/CpI64CLhuG

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me charging my sapphic lasers and decades of LDR experience https://t.co/agNAbfxm9T

5 88

『バビロン・ベルリン』の流れで、1898年東プロイセンで生まれワイマール時代のベルリンで画家として活躍したLotte Lasersteinの図録を何となく読み返してた。一昨年Berlinische Galerieで見た彼女のポートレートがずっと気になっていて、去年開催された回顧展の図録だけを取り寄せていた。

3 10

Pew pew pew! Hot dog lasers! 🔺🌭🌭🌭🔻

7 40

Things I have learnt whilst making this art for ... Weaponized lasers are real and are really cheap to fire!

1 1

TWIN PE-- I MEAN TWIN PASQS has returned with even more gut wrenching drama and all the sci-fi lasers that your body can handle while reading a comic! Get your Scooby-Doo Zombie Island asses over hear and READ. (4 images)

4 29

I heard you guys like your lasers lasier, so, I've been making your lasers even lasier.

3 28

Rene, ???yo, 195cm
Not the brightest, but tries to impress people anyway. Emphasis on tries. Likes attention.
Powers: Can change the flow of Light to do stuff like peek around corners, turn invisible and shoot lasers. He mostly uses it to get good lighting for pictures.

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