"To caper nimbly in a Lady's Chamber to the lascivious pleasing of a Lute." Put some music on and have a for today!

Dante Gabriel Rossetti, 1850.

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"Bread and milk for breakfast,
And woollen frocks to wear,
And a crumb for robin redbreast,
On the cold days of the year."
(✒️Christina Rossetti 🎨 Walter Crane)

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Mother of Muses, sing for me

Sing of the mountains and the deep dark sea


Bob Dylan

Mother of Muses (2020)



Painting by Dante Gabriel Rossetti

Mnemosyne (aka Lamp of Memory or Ricordanza), 1876-81

Delaware Art Museum    


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This is Dante Gabriel Rossetti's 1868 painting, The Return of Tibullus to Delia! The image on the right is an earlier version (featuring Elizabeth Siddal) from c.1853!

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Dante’s Vision of Rachel and Leah, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, 1855 https://t.co/5plYj0GJ9M

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Can you spot what isn’t different?
Rossetti clearly loved this spiral hair ornament and gave it different models to wear. Apparently it was last seen when borrowed by blackmailer Charles Howell’s wife who never returned it….
(Thanks https://t.co/tejk8l5lLJ)

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T’amo come la pianta che non fiorisce e reca
Dentro di sé nascosta la luce di quei fiori;
grazie al tuo amore vive oscuro nel mio corpo
il concentrato amore che ascese dalla terra

P. Neruda

🎨 D.G.Rossetti

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Dante Gabriel Rossetti, 1881

from The Delaware Art Museum, Wilmington, Delaware, United States

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Christina Rossetti (British poet) 1830 - 1894
illustrations by Florence Susan Harrison (Briitish illustrator) 1877 - 1955
Blackie and Son Limited, London, 1910

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The Passover in the Holy Family Gathering Bitter Herbs, 1856

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Beatrice, Meeting Dante at a Wedding Feast, Denies him her Salutation, 1855

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