OVIE SNAP!1309-totan-

1222-theSakaki/house of the very island's.../AUTTAA


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Shi: Independence day ain't got shit on me!
(Baaya and Jikoro realize there's a reason why people in jail should stay there.)

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Teller: Peakabooooo.
S: Lord help me, please...
Teller: You are going to be struck by lighting!
S: While K--Kung fu fighting?

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I *really* want to track down the person(s) behind the character animation for the 2nd half. Poor Grey's breakdown is so sad..

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Grey explains it detects and eliminates evil aura. Oh dear. (Someone had waaay too much fun with Miss P's boobs here.)

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G: Ah, for times like these I have just the thing! Say hi to mecha Kiirobon who's 2x funnier than the original!
P: 2x0 is 0.

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We return from break to see...cherry blossoms? It's some nice BG work but weren't they inside earlier...#Sakakigaiden

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I threw this up on mothers day for the dads, but what's one more peek under the towel between friends?

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The kids are doubtful Grey will even be alive long enough to make Miss P happy, but Grey states his intention to marry her.

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Aka: And when I say summer, what's the first thing that comes to mind?
G: A pool.

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A desk slam smear for my good friend (Also the dialog is mostly legit, but i am embellishing.)

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G: I don't talk to pigs, so go choke on a donut.
S: Oh a wise guy Huh? I've put away worse guys than you before breakfast.

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S: Listen scumbag, we have the evidence, and we caught you red handed. We just need motive. Who are you in love with?!

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Aka: Said like someone who's going to be alone forever.

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Ao: I guess a place called "B-da love-love park" is awkward to go to when you're single.
K: GEE YA THINK?! (Actual dialog)

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フリー素材です 使用例も合わせてどうぞ

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The next event stars Shiki Iseya, Natsuki Sakaki, and FRAME in an outdoor music festival! Event starts in 3 days

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