I'm bored and have my artificial Zephyrite on my mind, so give me your headcanons/assumptions about Zocca!

4 18

Was thinking about Felix & Noseeum and how they're an analog to Ash & Pikachu and it made me wonder: how does their relationship evolve over the course of their journey?

3 16

"It's just a snack, right? It's normal to down a whole bag of these, right? Right? (Oh god, I'm turning into Kodai...)"


6 23

Was low-key horny for Chonky!Kodai (yes, I'm calling him that now) and was thinking that there would be a point where you could play as him and toggle it on/off at some point if ZEPHYRION was a game.

3 26

"....well, it certainly isn't the ugliest thing in the world."

1 8

Kodai is the kind of Fat Boy who can't keep his hands off his belly. Like he's constantly checking to see if he truly is a Fat Boy...

12 60

Not exactly a one-to-one, but it was the oldest image I could find...

2 20

Was thinking about my chubby professor son at work and I was reminded about how in some shows, characters are compared to animals. This begs the question: what animal does Prof Cornelius Makigumo remind y'all of?

6 23

I like to think Goliath gave Mapocha gingerbread cookies when he was little to cheer him up after a bad day...

2 28

"Hey, guys... Just a question. You think that I've finally become a Fat Boy?"
Just a doodle of a living jelly donut...

28 106

"What the shit?! Why does this keep happening?! I only had like two dozen donuts today!!"

Surprised you didn't make that five dozen, Fat Boy...


12 59

"Bucho Mio... I think I might have overdid it these past few... months..."

Special thanks to for bringing this to life!

25 113

Y'all know you wanna taste these fat dads, you degenerates...

8 36

Was thinking about Lloyd last night and the justification for his thickness. Maybe the doctor who created him has a thing for thicker men...

1 29

I woke up thinking about Vladimir the Prince of Marshmallows.

4 27

I don't think I've ever told anyone this, but I never really cared for Ghost in the Shell. That said, Batou is absolute daddy material, especially with Richard Epcar's sexy voice...

4 13

"Looks like I fell through the floor again. At least I got plenty of meat to keep me company..." *oink oink*

13 76

Also, here's an old OC that I'm sure many of y'all never really saw because of how old he is! And just in time for his birthday!!
Meet Dexion the Walrus!

6 30