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Sketch of Lola v Hell Charger. Season 4 here we come!

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Not a very exciting today, but here's my "improved"(?) Ironjawz basing w/ added Agrellan Earth

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Desde que comecei as postagens, tenho tido muito apoio e muito carinho vindo de vocês. Aos… https://t.co/OgQMdfEIYw

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Some awesome Deathrattle models from one of the AoS Facebook groups. Love the colors and the creative wraiths

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Rage of Khorne ability doubles because he's painted right?...right? ;D

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"Studio" pics of some Silver Tower miniatures! More to come


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Test model for the Tzeentch army. Happy with the look and time it's taken

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Judicator squad ready to go. Two more units and a hero before Saturday. I just might make it.

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Daily doodle, just cause we're doing a full rewatch of AOS & are kinda adorable https://t.co/KAtFcegWFW

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Progress! Think I need to darken the skin for more contrast. Gold will get lighter though

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A few hours of work in on the Warpriest. Still very

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My first actual complete stormcast unit.

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Prosecutor Prime is ready to hurl Stormcall Javelins into the heart of Chaos.

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Quickly whipped up a second Archer this evening! Repositioning tiny hands is a pain

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Look what Warseer found! New AoS art.

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These are my finished Knights Excelsior. 5/33 done,

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