画質 高画質

—Kuzu to Megane to Bungakushojo (Scam and the glasses and the bookworm girl"/Literature girl")

—Comedy, Romance

—TANIGAWA Nico (Same as It's Not My Fault That I'm Not Popular!)

You can laugh, learn new novels that will never get translated to read.
What's better than this?

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Minami Mizuno nous partage une illustration d'Eiji, le héros de son manga Koi wo Shiranai Bokutachi wa, pour fêter la nouvelle année !

J'espère qu'en 2020 ce très bon shôjo aura la chance de sortir en France !


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Do not post whitout permission!

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-Mahou Shojo Madoka Magica -TE AMO HOMURA-
-Usagi Drop
año mas o menos decente dentro d todo

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read all of kimi ni todoke in like uhh five days, never been that into shojo but holy f u ck

the hets,,,,reached me,,,,,,,

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Redécouvrez l'un des plus célèbres contes japonais à travers ce livre illustré aux dessins typiquement Kaguya, princesse au clair de lune https://t.co/RIYferwtno

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No me morí ni nada y estoy pensando seriamente en dejar el inglés (?)

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【レビュー】まじかる☆ベーカリー~叛逆の魔法少女~ / Magical Bakery: Hangyaku no Mahoshojo https://t.co/GjdsFDEpFZ

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Kodansha Comics manga New Digital-first Release 12/17: Shojo Fight 8! https://t.co/xg5JWZ9SPa

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Nichika, Oswald, and Wolfie are back and taking Elminage Academy by storm! Will this master-apprentice duo pull off their covert investigation without and impostors getting in the way?! Find out in The Eccentric Master Vol. 2 on 2/28!#Shojo


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Je vous repartage l'illustration de Koharu que Minami Mizuno a faite à l'occasion de la sortie du chapitre 30 de Koi wo Shiranai Bokutachi wa, parce que je la trouve trop jolie ^^

J'aimerais tellement que ce manga sorte en France !!


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I loved this week's page of But I thought this panel is particular lacked some shojo manga sparkles and aesthetic!!! So I FIXED IT- jk no it was perfect too, I just wanted to draw fanart lol I recommend that comic it's amazing.

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