2018-08-18: "M 16, the Eagle Nebula with "The Pillars of Creation" in Hydrogen and Oxygen light" by SteveCooper. https://t.co/i6pz7YdAZG

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Is anyone getting tired of Milky Way shots yet? This has been a pretty long streak of night photos and there’s no end in sight.. (at Shell B…

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Seeing a truly dark sky is an experience you'll not forget in your entire life. Look forward to visit LaPalma this week for my annual master workshop, in the European stargazing paradise. Astromaster 2019 is announced: https://t.co/li2kCntvVc

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南の回転花火銀河 M83 Ver2


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I do love astronomy and looking at this small collection, Purple seems to be a colour that lights it up too.

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The constellation of Orion. Photo was taken using a Nikon D810A with a Nikon 24-70mm f/2.8 lens at 35mm f/5.6. Total exposure 60 minutes at ISO 800.

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Astrophotography from me to you. Taken with a Canon 5D MkII on a 16” Meade at Macquarie uni last night.

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The Pleiades just about fit onto the chip of my Atik314L+ This imaged from London over 3 nights last week

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The emission nebula SH2-129 features a faint (green) planetary nebula (c) H. Weber

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Have a super-duper weekend y'all

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A few nebulae captured over last few years . Cone, Propeller, NHC7822 and Witches Broom

# Friday!

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Couldn't resist spending the last few freezing nights here in with the Orion Nebula

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Quick edit from last night's Andromeda 30 minutes exposure with and a WO Megrez 72 mm

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The from 40 mi outside Albuquerque! 19x15s, ISO-6400, 18mm, f/3.5.

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