There's no such thing as too many pics of our FloatingVampireJesus, so here is one more

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(Jesus, I was about to cry) Proper. Full. Sized. Drawings this time. Hhh, anyways, like I told ya, you're welcome 😅💜

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Jesus, is scarily accurate when it comes to puberty. At least to my memory

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wanted a pond skater/jesus bug!
i reeeallly hope people don't think she's like 70% bug or naked or something. she's wearing a wetsuit.
i totally could have just made bug jesus, but nah, this was cuter

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Jesus, Fucking. Christ. I did it...........
Too many great parallels for two dungeons

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goodbye longhair jesus, may you rest well

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[Drarry x DBH AU]
Basically an AU where Harry took on Markus's role and became Android Jesus, determined to free his kind from human's hold (sorry im bad at making fake screenshots)
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jesus, is that you?
(nope, just a dumb robot fool)

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Jesus, lamb of God....

Stop ruining my childhood with this bogus, new age bullshit.

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The beautiful fresco Temptations of Christ in the Sistine Chapel includes five scenes: three about the temptations of Jesus, and two that are harder to interpret! Read more @

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jesus, looking back, Vile's scrapped forms are fucking weird
but these designs may be repurposed in the future

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Hebrews 12:2
Looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.

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For followers of Jesus, we observe Good Friday as a day to reflect on and remember his sacrifice on the cross. Our video on Luke Chapters 19-23 lay out the final days of Jesus and his ultimate sacrifice and death.

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Maggie, Jesus, and Carol! I gotta catch up posting here on Twitter 😂

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And the last of the more seen npcs (for now), Team Winemom and Raptorjesus, aka Otherwordly Parents?

Next time I do these it'll be of players' characters!

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Just announced! Dr. Strange by and Jesus Saiz, June, from With pencils, inks, colors by Jesus, and edits by ! Where do you go when there’s no more magic on Earth? To the final frontier!

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Jesus, Holivi's vivid use of color and deliciously crisp brush technique is amazing



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Jesus, I'm developing a love for robotic anime girls.

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Sanja and Nena are gonna be in a buddy cop movie called Lethal Ultima Weapon 4, in which Nena murders people and Sanja follows her around going "oh gods, oh gods, oh shit, oh jesus, I'm two weeks away from retirement"

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