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Here's my take on Eric Powell's The Goon! #thegoon #goon #ericpowell #darkhorsecomics #clancybrown #theartofjov
Here's my take on Bernie Lomax! #weekendatbernies #bernielomax #berniedance #bernielean #terrykiser #theartofjov
'TAMMY 1 ALERT'! #parksandrecreation #parksandrec #nickofferman #ronswanson #dukesilver #tammy1 #theartofjov
'DONKĪ KONGU'. #donkeykong #donkikongu #jumpman #mario #barrels #nintendo #nes #arcades #pixels #8bit #theartofjov
'BAWSE'. Every woman that gets their style & grace on must have their "pre-game warm-up" in the morning. #theartofjov
Here's my take on André The Giant! #andrethegiant #wrestlemania31 #andrethegiantmemorialbattleroyal #theartofjov
'MOVEMENT IN THE SHADOWS'. Inspired by Kinjaz's BTek. #kinjaz #movementintheshadows #theartofjov @KINJAZ
'ME BIZARRO'. #bizarro #orrazib #bizarrosuperman #bizarronumberone #mebizarro #htrae #superman #theartofjov
Here's my take on THE PHANTOM! #thephantom #kitwalker #leefalk #skullcave #phantomrings #sketch_dailies #theartofjov
Tomorrowland inspired. #ned #nedman #nedmanlives #tomorrowland inspired #theartofjov
The Lorax: The Voice of The Truffula Trees! #thelorax #drseuss #doctorseussweek #sketch_dailies #theartofjov
God Bless America for Ron F*cking Swanson! #parksandrecreation #parksandrec #nickofferman #ronswanson #theartofjov
The Dude revisited. 1of1. Fin. #thebiglebowski #thedudeabides #thedude #theartofjov
@illustratorsIRL's #TheArtofSuperstition is coming North! Opening tonight in @ArdsArts Here's my offering! #LuckyGirl
here's my take on Pokémon's Jigglypuff! Equipped with marker "mic". #pokemon #jigglypuff #marker #theartofjov
Took a tea-break from my portrait commission and decided to design me-self a logo... #IHeartWolfy #theartoflauren
Kamikaze Miyagi Up Nedman. #up #miyagi #kamikaze #ned #nedman #adventureisoutthere #elliebadge #theartofjov
who hasn't? annnnd it was bound to happen. #ned #nedman #neverendingdreams #nedmanlives #batman#inspired #theartofjov
Woohoo I just posted a selfie on my new Instagram account with filters and everything! :) Instagram - TheArtOfNeeti