Karyaku! Kadang kalian suka iri gasi sama anak yg dibawah umur kalian, tapi karyanya lebih bagus gt. :") kapan ya gambarku mencapai titik sesuai keinginan

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tw // antisemitism

when are y’all gonna start listening to jewish people and stop using these fucking aryan guy and trad wife memes?! they have really antisemitic roots and im tired of seeing them on my tl!! im linking some threads below but pls just stop using it!! /srs

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🎄Hbday Levi and Hours (2020) 🇪🇸🇨🇴

aquí cumplo con la cuota que debía xDD en el fandom Latino de Ennead hay una actividad y bueno. Horus con tanga me puede xD


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❄️Hbday Victor (2020) 🥳

I had something more elaborate but some already know what happened to me with my pc I did this quickly...it helped me to remove my bad mood.

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Dear all artist, fightingggg!!!🥰🥰🎉🎉
semangat banyakin karyanyaaa >.<

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halo sahabat" sesama artist semua☺️ semangat yuk berkaryanya! aku baru mulai serius digital art dari mei 2020 soalnya gabut banget karantina,,, and here i am! udh lumayan bisa improve art nya, udh mulai buka commission, bisa punya temen artist banyak juga,, semangat ya semua🥰💖

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bukan karya terbaik, tapi ada hati yang selalu berpegang untuk memberi yang terbaik dalam mahakaryanya. "be the best version of yourself." itu motto-ku. semangat berkarya❤️

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huhuhuhuhu taar makasih banyak udah selalu supportive dan seneng bgt kalo bisa bikin tar bahagya huhuuuu 😭😭😭 seneng bisa temenan sama tar yg karyanya cantik dan super humble! lof banyak banyakkk 💜💜💜💜💜

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Did one of my party members in semi realistic style as a gift for ❤️❤️ It’s her elven bard Velaryan.

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The & Collaboration ASMR made me to do a another meme edit thing. Varyana may not have any 'boing boing' but she has the power of 'Slavic Communism' ... so it's a fair trade off :3

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Still Life with Irises and Poppies, 1947

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✨"That flower's called a fly-by-night. They only grow in these woods and they only bloom once every seven years. They say witches used to seek it out..."✨

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This commission really just smacked me upside the head with feelings and i still can’t stop looking at it ; A ;

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