El Juan Giménez, il·lustre veí de Sitges i artista extraordinari, ha mort al seu poble natal de Mendoza (Argentina) a causa del Coronavirus. El món és un lloc més trist sense ell.

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注文の多い料理店 - ☆☆☆ -
愛知ell.FITS ALLまであと5ヶ月!


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Gonna be real toshiro’s hair is confusing as h ell

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L'esperit del bosc i el seu petit amic. El petit indica a l'esperit del bosc on hi ha alguna cosa que no va bé, potser ell ho podrà solucionar.
"Ent and Friend II"🐿️🍄🦎

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El Senyor Pot ha anat a la per combatre la calor de l’estiu. (Ell, que ho pot fer, que aprofiti!) Aquí el teniu, dibuixat per . Però no ha dut para-sol... Què farà? Ho descobrireu al 1345-1346. https://t.co/8ZJKPaMDnU

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Join me LIVE on my vlog channel, “eLL vlogs”, in 30 MINUTES from now, as I draw whatever you tell me to in the comments feed. We’ll keep adding onto a drawing and it’ll be sick. I won’t be on for a very long time so I hope you can make it. (2PM Eastern; New York City time). 👋🏼🐀

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It’s Friday 🎉🎉🎉 Join us! Max, Sweet Potato and I will be doing a LIVE STREAM on my vlog channel, “eLL vlogs”. We’ll be playing Nintendo & eating frozen pizza for an hour 👍🏼🍕 Happening @ 7:05pm EST (New York City time) Set your phone alarm! 🐀 https://t.co/wu4od6hHIC

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im abt to sleep but ive been watchin ell play thru shivering isles for the first time so Here's Jyggalag Gothren Again

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Comic update! Oh, Kitty Hunter is Thirstin', all right. And How-ell!


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I'm Ell, a comic artist and illustrator who originally emerged from the ocean.

🗨️Comic: https://t.co/QLl1ReGbwC
✍️Portfolio: https://t.co/Gv8RlKiOFn
☕Ko-Fi: https://t.co/gbaU5Hiu8P
💸Patreon: https://t.co/SIrr47UMvy
🛍️Etsy: https://t.co/21XQ2cxMmq
📨 ell.j.walker.com

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Find it interested about me Dee Eye Ell 👀👀

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Ell tampoc podia i ha tornat per venjar-se!

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my chest hurt and i'm drunk i haven't sleep w ell haru is nice i like her I wish she dominates MEEE haru ily you embrace me

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[ apex legends / mirage ] something self indulgent :P
wow... i can't believe ell is bi AND genderfluid

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①10周年記念 くりざべす聖誕祭 2020
「山形 M昭和セッション」
無料ワンマン 開催🎉

②2021年真・氷無双 開催!

○出国の陣○ 2021年2月
○World Tour○
○帰国の陣○ 2021年3月
Electric Lady Land

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My Edgy boi, Ell with the antennaes.

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注文の多い料理店 - ☆☆☆ -
愛知ell.FITS ALLまであと6ヶ月!


11 71

Bueno, jo els hi vaig perdre la pista quan van fotre al carrer, de males maneres, al Bush. Tot el que van fer amb ell és molt bo: "Stomp 442", "We've Come for You All" o "Volume 8: The Threat Is Real"

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